International Association for the

Exchange of Students for Technical



After the second world war a new spirit pervaded the world: A desire for international understanding and cooperation. It was the spirit which brought forth both the United Nations and IAESTE, organizations dedicated to promoting these objectives.

IAESTE, founded in 1948 at the Imperial College in London, is a non-political, independent and non-governmental association maintaining a consultative relationship with several agencies of the UN. At the present IAESTE exists in approximately 60 countries.

The aims of IAESTE are:

These objectives are fulfilled through a reciprocal exchange of students for paid on-the-job training in foreign enterprises and organizations during their long vacations (usually 6-12 weeks). It is also possible to get a jobs which lasts up to 18 months

My Internship With IAESTE:

In January 1998, I entered an oral and written english exam which were set up for sending students from the engineering facultys in Turkey for internship abroad. IAESTE Istanbul is responsible for this exam and exchanging students from other countries. After I learned that I became 1st in the exam I waited for an exchange. About mid-March I was informed that I were to go to Freiberg-Germany for an 8 weeks internship in Freiberg Technical University.

After everything was arranged I arrived Frieberg on 26th of July. IAESTE-Freiberg Local Committee members met me and gave me a dormitory to stay. They also took me to the institute that I had to work and introduced me to my Professor. After settling down I started meeting other trainees. We had Wednesdays the National dinner and Thursday IAESTE meeting. So the first week I already met everybody. Every weekend there was a trip or an activity organised by LC-Freigberg. The friendship there was perfect and I had quite number of new friends whom I'm still in touch.

I took a lot of photos and you can see some of them if you follow the link.

Some of the documents are copied form IAESTE Stockholm